Futurotextiles at Expo 2020 Dubai
28 Sep 2021
lille3000 has imagined a new edition of the Futurotextiles exhibition for the 35th World Expo in Dubai, which will open its doors on October, 1st 2021.
The Textidream exhibition, curated by Caroline David, features an original scenography in which architecture capsules showcase the latest textile innovations inspired by French excellence, in particular from the Hauts-de-France Region and the Lille Eurodistrict.
Luminous lace, fibre optic hangings and trimmings, perfu- med and microencapsulated organza, a compressed-air vehicle with a flax body, a motorised exoskeleton and cus- tomised prostheses made of basalt fibre composite and bio-sourced resin, a feather dress fluttering to the rhythm of a wind turbine… will all be created by visionary compa- nies and artists dedicated to research, development and innovation.
Textidream is presented on the esplanade of the France Pavilion, a shaded, 2,000 m2 space planted with trees, designed as a place for visitors to relax but also where their arrival will be transformed into a rich field of ex- perience. Waiting times will become moments of sharing and emotions, a concert of sensations inviting visitors to dream and discover.
Textidream be consistents with the programming of the France Pavilion, which will showcase the response of French expertise to the major challenges of sustainable development and the UN goals.
ATELIER 20.12, Atelier Janaïna Milheiro, Brochier Technologies, La Bonne Accroche, CELC (Confédération, Européenne du Lin et du, Chanvre), CNES (Centre national, d’études spatiales), Cité de l’espace de, Toulouse, COP Chimie, Clubtex, Declercq Passementiers, Domital orthopédie, Dupont orthopédie, E&T Symbiose, Franck Bricout, ISOMATEX, IFF (International Flavors, & Fragrances), IYE Movie Gang, Japet, Jérémy Gobé, MDI Production, MHK (My Human Kit), Mobilier National, Musée d’Histoire, Naturelle de Lille, Musée de la Piscine de, Roubaix, Sculpteo, Nausicaá, Nathalie Danino-Gruz, On aura tout vu – Atelier de haute couture, Robert Blondel, Cosmétiques, Peignage Dumortier, Safilin, Solstiss, Team Össur, U-Exist, Van Robaeys Frères, Vergnet, Veral, Yiqing Yin (Studio YY)
The exhibition is designed as a series of science-fiction experiences, playing with illusions while using codes borrowed from both poetic and high-tech universes. Each of the seven capsules on display becomes a circular table variously invoking an astrolabe, a laboratory for experiments, a machine that transforms or a metaphysical distillery.